I’m using LO on Mac OS 10.15.3. I want to record a macro in Writer, but when I go to Tools->Macros, “Record Macro” is greyed out. I know how to enable this on LO for Windows, but I can’t figure out how to do it on the Mac version. Does anyone know? Thanks!
see menu LibreOffice -> Preferences -> LibreOffice -> Advanced -> Option: [x] Enable macro recording (may be limited)
Hope that helps.
If the answer helped to solve your problem, please click the check mark () next to the answer.
Thanks! That did it.
That solved it for me.
Moderators: the post includes:
“If the answer helped to solve your problem, please click the check mark () next to the answer.”
But my attempt to click the check mark results in this message:
“Sorry, but only moderators or authors…” etc.