How can I export a Base database to XML?

Hi. I am trying to export a jcdb database from LibreOffice (Build:2) to a standard XML file. I am using a debian 7.3 VM on a Windows 7 PC (just for full disclosure).

The problem is that the File->Export… and Tools->XML Filter Settings… options are both greyed out and are unable to be selected.

This means I can not export the file as an XML or set up a XML filter to be able to export the file as a XML.

I do NOT want to copy every individual table into Calc and then save it as an XML. I would like this to be done auotmatically.

I cannot find a solution or a reason for these options are greyed out and I am stumped. I have no more ideas of what to research or do to solve it. Please can anyone provide some light on this issue.

I am new to Linux, LibreOffice and this forum so please bare with me.



There is no export filter for Base files, and certainly not an XML filter. If you want to export as CSV, see here