My table has over 6000 records, but when first displayed, bottom and navigation bar says “record 1 of 61*” when i click on last record button,it will take me to record 6210 of 6210. How can i get it to display correct number from start?
My understanding is that, for reasons of efficiency, Base only loads a certain MINIMUM number of records for display purposes when looking at a table listing. For example, see attached screenshot. Note, the little asterisk next to the apparent total number of records - that * means the number of displayed record is fewer than the actual total number. So, AFAIK (and I am not a programmer), this behaviour ‘built in’, and cannot be changed in the user-interface. There’s probably no real reason why it has to be so - it’s perhaps just a ‘legacy’ of this software’s development.Base_1_of_99_record_count.png
If you’re always working on the same database (or want to go through this trouble on any database you work with) you could add a macro on Form Open to force BASE to jump out to the last record and then jump back. Something like this…
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, “.uno:LastRecord”,"",0,Array())
and then
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, “.uno:FirstRecord”,"",0,Array())