How can I have a form that always saves with WITH CHECK OPTION?

I recently found out there’s such a thing as an “updatable view” in SQL, and that if the WITH CHECK OPTION is used with an insert/update, it only succeeds if all conditional statements in the view’s WHERE clauses are true. That brings me to the question: Is it possible to create a form based on an updatable view and make the form always save such that the INSERT/UPDATE commands are run with WITH CHECK OPTION? If so, how?

Try with Base: Open any view. It won’t be shown as editable, so it isn’t updatable here. You could create updatable queries instead.

So you have to use direct SQL to get what you want: MySQL :: MySQL 5.6 Reference Manual :: 20.5.4 The View WITH CHECK OPTION Clause

I tried basing a form on a query formulated to be editable:

SELECT * FROM [tablename] WHERE [conditionalstatement]

When I open the query, it is not editable, and when I create a form based on it, it still will not allow editing or inserting.

Is “tablename” editable? If there is no primary key it isn’t editable for Base.

Yes, it is. It has a PK.

@agerber85 : So please give an example: Code for creating the table, code for the query. Never seen a table, which is editable and then a query, which is formed like
which isn’t editable.