I have a spreadsheet where column A holds several values ;e.g. MU, AU, EU, MD, AD, ED, CLOSED. “U” stands for “Upstairs”, “D” for “Downstairs”.
I wish to execute the following pseudocode:
IF cell A’n’ = MU or AU or EU
THEN write “upstairs” to cell B’n’
ELSE IF cell A’n’ = MD or AD or ED
THEN write “downstairs” to cell B’n’
ELSE write “other” to cell B’n’
I’ve tried several versions of this code - =IF(D2=“DU"or"NU”,“up”,“down”) - but that gives me Err:508, so I suspect the problem is my ignorance of the proper syntax. Can anyone rectify my ignorance, please? Or point me to a good tutorial, at least.