how can I insert page numbers into the entire document

I am working on a document and am only able to insert the page number one page at a time. How do I fix this?

This question has already be answered huge number of times. You should have used the search box to find relevant questions and answers.

To make it short, page numbering is a property of page styles. From your question, you’re a newbie and likely use only the Default Style page style.

Open this page style (I leave to you as an exercise to discover how to do that). Enable header or footer, depending on where you want the page number. Close the page style.

Click in the header or footer area of your document (it is easier to locate these areas with View>Formattaing Marks). Insert>Fields>Page Number. Format the paragraph where you put the page number as you like (left/right justify, center or any other layout).

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I also cannot do it and have been using Libre Office for years. It is ridiculously hard where it should be:Insert - page number - a stye choice and a one button press and all the pages perfectly numbered not something that blows my whole document apart . Shame on this.

Trying to follow any of the answers that are associated with my many searches do not work. I hve a previously completed document of 70 pages all in the order want I want Libre Office to Writer to put page numbers in the bottom center and OI really dont care where or what font (not large) and no suggestions in the whole forum I’ve seen work. An hour later I have no solution. Any one who wants to answer just pot the sequence. Again why should this be so hard. Why does the Page Number `drop down’ not do this.?

Thanks for the clear explanation of the problem. It makes it so easy to help you!
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