How can I install a desktop icon AFTER I have installed LibreOffice?

Need to activate a desktop icon for LibreOffice Writer. Using Windows-7.

W7 should be more or less like XP:

Start > all programs > LibreOffice > select the icon you want to have on your desktop > right click > send > desktop.

This should work in W7 as well, if not exactly you might need to apply a bit of imagination…

Back to ROSt52 – Thank you – it worked. My mistake was that I was going into C / Programs and could not find any link in the LibreOffice program files to bring up an icon on the screen!!! DUH!!! I am able to do a right-click on an item and “Open With” LibreOffice, but I was looking for an icon that would be directly on the screen – now I have it!!

Thanks, again

@RonAllerton – That should work also with the program files: LibreOffice 4 → program → swriter.exe (soffice.exe, etc.) → (right-click) send to → desktop.