how can I install libre office "help"

how can I install libre office “help”

Download the Helppack.

Installl the Helppack

Installation Instructions

I wish you success.

Please add more details to your question. What OS are you using?

Have a look at this answer: How do I install the help system

As an example, for Windows, simply download the additional package for offline help access as shown here. Then, simply execute the msi and install as usual.

Alternatively, see the downloads page for an archive of the help sources; e.g. libreoffice-help-
Once you’ve obtained that, check the archive for relevant files, which includes build scripts for use with python, along with the various make files. Unfortunately, there is not much help in the included README file, other than a link to the wiki pages. Obviously, building from source can be more tricky than merely executing an installer file or script. You can check here for official documentation on how to build the software from source files.

For additional detailed links to the various ways of installing libreoffice, see the official installation instructions at Installation Instructions | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft

Ultimately, though, it does depend on what Operating System you use and how you (want to) install packages for it; i.e. through a system package manager, Snap or Flatpak, as a standalone application, or build from source.

For more specific instructions, it might be helpful to include your OS in your question, along with any other relevant information you may deem relevant, as eluded to in the previous statement.

Das ist keine Antwort, wohl eher ein Kommentar.

It’s a more detailed answer than the question was.

It is a detailed, albeit generic, answer to the vague question, as @erAck pointed out. Der Unterschied zwischen deinen Kommentar und meiner Antwort ist sicherlich klaar @Hrbrgr. Oder nicht? Die Details dass ich gebe in meiner Antwort im Gegensatz zu deiner Liste der Links und 'ne Gruessung?

The big difference is that I have written a comment and no answer.

[sarcasm] oh yeah, let’s mix up english, pidgin english, german and deepl english … automatic mode? send every second sentence to deepl and translate to a randomly choosen language … and let us resurrect the babylonian flamewars! [/sarcasm]

The macOS version doesn’t have a helppack download. If I click on the link “How to install LibreOffice” on the same page, the page for macOS makes no mention whatsoever of a separate help package.

When I use the help function, LO defaults to the online version. So AFAIC this question is still unanswered.

hence my mentioning the source files. Anyway, best of luck.