log assistance sheet.ods ok here is the file.I have v4 of libreoffice calc on a windows 8 and I am trying to make a job sheet that calculates the amount of time I spend on a certain software a day. in one column I have my dates. I another column I have when I started and ended and then in the next column I have how many hours it took me to complete the job. My goal is to get a cell set up so that it will add up the total hours spent on the software each day. I have already tried =Sumif(date column,date,hour column) and it just leaves me with a zero value even though there are values in the hour column. I would attach a sheet with the what I have on it but apparently you need points for that so I can’t, sorry.
That worked great now is there a way to make that populate a column of cells with only the dates changing? I already tried the highlight and drag method and it changed the cell ranges not the dates.