How can I open documents stores on the desktop?

How do I open documents / spreadsheets stored on the desktop? I cannot find a way to navigate to the desktop to select documents.

Thank you,

If you have a full installation of LibreOffice (not a portable version), you should be able to double-click the file on your desktop to open it in LO.
If you want to open the file from within LO, you have to navigate to the file location. If you have the file on YOUR desktop, you need to navigate to your user and then find the desktop folder there. There will be a desktop folder for every user that is registered on the computer you are working on.

TIP: If you often change workstation put your files on a central server, ina cloud or on a UBS-memory stick along with Libre Office Portable. With the last option you can work on many workstations as you have always your own installation of LO and your files on your USB-stick. But, make sure to synchronize files regularly if they are to be used by others too :wink:

Thank you. Your suggestions solved my problem.