I made a cute little t-shirt design for my one year old niece and I need to print it backwards on an iron-on transfer sheet so the writing will be correct on the shirt. Can I do this from LibreOffice, or should I go find special software for iron-ons?
I would not work on Writer but on Draw and there you may mirror all objects. But there are some differences.
It is effortless to mirror images (properties; Flip).
For texts (textboxes) you have the choice of two proceedings: (cut out and) Special paste or right click and conversion into Curves, GDI or Bitmap. I would prefer curves or GDI format, because if text is transformed into curves you won’t have any problems with pixelation…
- Finish your Drawing without mirroring
- Duplicate Page (Insert menu)
- Convert your text and mirror it in the duplicated page; if something goes wrong, you always can copy from original page
- If necessary save as PDF or other suitable format
This is typically a printing driver issue. Some offer the possibility to mirror vertically and horizontally. If I remember right (it’s quite a long time I last used one), this was the case in MacOS.
If you’re on Linux, depending on your skill, you could implement a CUPS custom filter to mirror coordinates. With Postscript backend or intermediaite print language (eventually add a call to a conversion program like pdf2ps), it reduces to provide a transformation matrix.
(Info, not actally an answer)
The need of workarounds is due to bug tdf#35913 in this case.
Inspecting the ancestors I found that the bug was (at least) already present in StarOffice 5.2 of 2000-05-08. It therefore also was inherited by Apache OpenOffice and it is still present there in the recent version AOO V4.1.3.
For LibO it was reported on 2011-04-03 and confirmed on 2011-12-27.
See also the attachments to my comments #13 and #18 to the mentioned bug. The bug seems to be heavily interweaved.