how can i read the current x and y position of a dialog

the provided properties do not seem to be useful.

here is some test code

private dlgmdl
private dlg

sub foo

	dlgmdl = createunoservice("")

	window = createunoservice("")
	dlg = createunoservice("")
	dlg.createpeer(window, null)

	ctlmdl = dlgmdl.createinstance("")
	ctlmdl.width = 100
	ctlmdl.height = 20
	ctlmdl.label = "move window then click here"

	dlgmdl.insertbyname("q", ctlmdl)

	quit_lstnr = createunolistener("q_", "")

end sub

sub q_actionperformed           rem 	always reports same numbers
	print dlgmdl.positionx & "," & dlgmdl.positiony & " or " & dlg.possize.x & "," & dlg.possize.y
end sub

sub q_disposing end sub