How can I remove duplicates when some duplicates contain extra spaces?

Hi everyone,

I am preparing a sheet that will be used to upload to an SEO keyword tracking program. For reasons I am not sure of, several keyword values have been duplicated with extra spaces between words. There is usually only one double space between words. This means that when I remove duplicates, they aren’t removed. However, the program we upload to still considers them duplicates, so they have to be deleted.

Pretty self explanatory but I provided an image that shows what this looks like.


How can I remove these duplicates in an easy way? There are too many to do it manually.

The easiest thing may end up being find and replace double space with single space and then remove duplicates, but I am not sure.

The easiest thing may end up being find and replace double space with single space and then remove duplicates

I agree - though you could use TRIM() function to eliminate double/triple/… spaces.

OT again.
What about abandoning SEO?
All the users of search engines I know (>1) deprecate (hate?) the effects they assign to SEO.
After all, I think SEO doesn’t optimize anything concerning the search engine, but the contentedness of a SEO user with the bias forced on the results a SE user will (wrongly) get.
Of course, the mentioned users hate the effects of paid-for biasing even more, and some of them even are aware of the fact that they pay for that nonsense with every price.
Why should an open, free, unpaid community of volunteers support SEO?

Maybe this?

=TRIM(REGEX(A1,"[:space:]+"," ","g"))

With it you can create a column next to one you have and filter the duplicates there.
(Replace A1 with the first cell your data starts and place the expression in the cell next to it.
Then pull the cell/expression down.

Hope it helps.