when opening a template file (.ott), editing it and saving it, I would like to have the folder from which it was opened as default in saving. Can one achieve this? I use macOS 10.12.6 and libre office
I changed /LibreOffice/Preferences/LibreOffice/Paths/My Documents to the path, where I want to save template files most often. First I changed …/Templates without the desired effect; The reason is that the file type is changed automatically from .ott to .odt when saving an edited .ott file.
In my opinion this is not the appropriate way to solve the problem, as I might want to save ott-files also in other projects and other paths.
I also tried changing the /LibreOffice/Preferences/“Load/Save”/General/“Load user-specific settings with the document” option from selected to unselected. But without effect with respect to the path of file saving.
Is there a propriate solution to my question to remember the original location of the .ott file?