How can I show recent files in toolbar icon?

I got a new win10 machine. On an older one, when I right click the toolbar icon for calc or writer, it shows a few file names. On my new machine it’s not doing that. How can set the new one to do it?

I right click the toolbar icon for calc or writer

the toolbar icon… - Which toolbar are you talking about? Are you in fact talking about a Windows feature (e.g. pinning documents to the Windows taskbar)?

Sorry. the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.

ok, just as supposed - might be related to bug tdf#76131, though you seem to be in a different situation and in fact are trying to enable it at all, while the bug is about being enforced to re-initiate the functionality after each upgrade of LibreOffice.

In your link, I don’t know what “invalid” means. This is a new install on a new computer.

In Libre File>recent documents then it shows list of documents


OP is talking about pinned icons in Windows Taskbar and not about “Recent Files” within LibreOffice.

OP may have same problem as I did. After upgrading to next version of LibreOffice, and requesting “create Desktop icon”, opening LO does not show icons of my Recent Files (i.e. documents I have recently opened)! They were always displayed across my screen when opening LibreOffice. Their names are still present in the File > RecentDocuments menu.

After much searching, I found a post by ve3oat with the solution. At upgrade, LO had installed an icon for the Libre Office suite of programs, pointing to soffice.exe. This apparently does not display RecentFile icons.

I have manually installed an icon (on the taskbar) pointing to swriter.exe. This now displays RecentFile icons. For some reason it won’t open full-screen, but otherwise the problem is solved.

Thanks to all.

I’m again confused now.
Asking also the OQer ( @LewG): Is the questin definitely abour “Recent Documents” (meaning documents saved tg a file and recently open, but currently closed again) or about the documents currently open in LibreOffice - whether loaded from a file ore newly created?

I have manually added LO-Calc to the Windows-10 taskbar at the bottom, so the icon is shown always, not only when Calc is active.
This icon shows on right-click the recent-files I used.