How can I style (or use "basic text") on Form Controls?

Hi there,

I’m trying to create a document that later I will:

  • export to PDF
  • manage content programmatically (C# in this case)
  • re-save in PDF with dynamic content modified

So, I’m trying to place some placeholders’s controls, giving them a name, so I will be able to intercept them code-behind.

Here’s my attempt:

Where you can see I’ve place a Form Control Label “Placeholder1”.

Now: how can I basically “style” it as the text above? The Text controls are grey out, and internal there is very few options (no font-size, no font-color, and so on).

It that the correct way of doing this? How can I achieve this?

Thanks for any tips you can give to me!

Please upload a real, ODF type sample file here.

I will tonight!

So which options do I have in this case?

You can set the properties of the form control elements to a desired value by a macro.

As I mentioned, right-click on the control and Control Properties. You can then choose font face, size, bold, italic and a few others. This is limited but better than nothing.

What kind of contents processing do you expect? For which purpose? Maybe another solution than modifying a PDF could be thought of. Since you have some program running behind the scene, have you considered an HTML page for user interaction with your (?) program receiving data from the controls in a PUT or POST message.

If the PDF form is only there to offer an UI for an underlying database (managed by your C# program), have a look at LO database front-end Base.

What I need Is…

I’m collecting user data using a Software I’m making in c#.

Once collected, using “export button”, I want to take these data and fill a template (PDF) I make, save it with current data.

But those info should be intercepted by some placeholders I guess. It seems Form controls link to the PDF library, but those need to be styled as well.

Any idea?

Tried exporting in HTML and Just replace text/div, but It really mess the Page on exporting (layout, A4 size, and so on).

You can’t apply a style to a form control. These widgets are outside the standard text flow context.

You can apply a limited set of attributes with Control Properties but your control formatting will never be exactly the same as your text and will never be auto-synchronised with text styling.

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So which options do I have?