Just bought a laptop & installed Libro, but need to transfer the data on my pc to the taptop
Thanks, I at last realised it is easiest to just use a memory stick or external drive to transfer whatever data I heed to transer. However, the other methods suggested will also work! THANKS for input guys.
@jamesvh701: I took the liberty to delete the answer duplicating this comment because it is not a solution to the problem. On a Q&A site, contrary to forums, a user is entitled a single answer and an answer is reserved for solutions (not discussion, even thanks!)
Be kind enouch to check the “best” (in your opinion) solution. Thanks.
This is not a LO issue. You can proceed several ways:
connect both computers on your LAN (Ethernet or WiFi, it does not matter) and use the file transfer tools over the network
Tools differ for OSes but the result is the same. You can, for instance, configure one the computers as an FTP server and download from/upload to it. On *Nix-like OSes, you can also
from one to the other. -
use a removable media (USB key, external drive or CD/DVD)
Copy onto the removable media and read it on the other machine
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Additionally, you can email them to yourself then download them onto your laptop. I had to use this method to transfer files from my ipad to my windows laptop. If you have several files I would go with ajlittoz’s solution to use a usb.