How can remove the space between last two lines?

My libreoffice version is Libreoffice Community,i want to convert format


Remove the space between the last two lines

When i move cursor at the 'volume'] and press delete key,and press enter key,it can’t remove the space.

How can remove the space between last two lines?

The attatchment is the raw ,actual file.
sample.odt (15.5 KB)

The actual file, rather than an image, would be much easier to diagnose.

First guess, there is some formatting applied to one or both of the paragraphs that affects spacing above or below the paragraph.

You have two different styles used when you want only one. The first paragraph style used is Preformatted text which seems to be the correct one to use for code. Select everything (Ctrl+A) and double-click Preformatted text in Styles in the Sidebar

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