How can you specify the axis origin in a scatter plot?

I have some spreadsheet data in two columns that I plotted into a scattergram. The range of the data includes both positive and negative numbers. I’d like the range to be from, say, -0.75 to +0.75, but I’d like the axis tick marks to be on the muliples of 0.1 : 0, 0.1, 0.2, … and …, -0.2, -0.1, 0. But the tick marks always start at the edge of the graph.

So if I use the scale dialog to set the major interval to 0.1, I get tick marks at -0.75, -0.65, …, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5, … The only way I can get the tick marks to be on multiples of 0.1 is to make my range begin at a multiple of 0.1.

How do I get the major interval to start at zero and work outward from there?

“The only way I can get the tick marks to be on multiples of 0.1 is to make my range begin at a multiple of 0.1.”

Yes. Under the Scale tab, if you make sure that both the Minimum and Maximum values are multiples of your chosen Major Interval, it should work. If it doesn’t, please edit your answer to include a screen shot of your chart so that we can see what is happening.

By the way, you didn’t tell us which version of LibreOffice you are using. An older version might be the cause of your problem.

Sorry, meant to say “edit your question”.