How do I add the Character Style icon to Styles?

What I’m trying to do:
Add the Character Icon to the menu bar in the Styles panel

What I’ve tried:
Searched this discussion group
Prowled all through the LibreOffice Impress Preferences
searched LibreOffice Impress Help

See this screenshot:

There is no Character Icon to select…and is how to style characters in Impress.
The Character Icon looks like a paragraph symbol above a slender paintbrush…which I would show, except that new users can only have one embedded image…:frowning:

How can I add this to the menu bar?


Impress and Draw don’t really do paragraph styles (the icon to which you referred) nor character styles (which in Writer uses similar icon to Styles shown in your screenshot).
There are some drawing styles that can be applied to text boxes which can affect typeface, size, colour, appearance, such as Bold, etc. Click the left-hand icon on top row for drawing styles.
For character formatting it is all manual although, if used carefully, the Clone Formatting brush can be double-clicked to apply the same format to different characters (doesn’t seem clone more than once in LO which looks like a new bug).

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The text lines in an Impress document are graphical Objects. You can format them with Drawing styles and the Presentation styles. These styles has properites for the text located inside of the graphical object. You can format some characters differently only with the manual method.

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Specifications via the Sidebar

Thank you for that clarification. I’m new to Impress, so that helps a lot…