Almost thirty years ago, using WordPerfect for DOS, i submitted camera-ready copy of my dissertation to a publisher. I no longer remember whether the “house style” required chapter titles in the left-page header and section names in the right-page header, but that is what I did.
Those files were then “upgraded” to WordPerfect 6 format, and I have now imported them into LibreOffice Writer 4.4 (English, on Linux Mint) and am trying to maintain the same arrangement, but so far without success. I have discovered how to change the header text part-way through a document, but only by inserting a page break, which I do not want. Further, on that new page, the new section heading is at the top of the page – let’s call it “Section Two” – but the header on that page still has the previous section heading: “Section One,” which makes no sense at all.
How do I get LibreOffice Writer to do what I want? It was so easy in WordPerfect.