Details are in the Question!
(Modified title: changed ‘print’ to ‘copy’ + spelt LO correctly -AK)
Details are in the Question!
(Modified title: changed ‘print’ to ‘copy’ + spelt LO correctly -AK)
It appears you mean to COPY (not ‘print’) the image.
Right click the image to copy & select Copy
. Then right click on the Writer document page & select Paste
The rest is about where placed, anchoring, size etc.
If this answers your question please tick the (upper left area of answer). It helps others to know there was an accepted answer.
The answer above works for a single image.
If you are trying to do multiple images then you have to do that for every single one, or use other software to simplify the process.
A common issue for me is copying text and images from a web page - e.g. hardware details, or an FAQ, or something else with multiple images that I also want to copy and save.
If I copy and paste from a web page into MS Word, it copies in the images too, as I want.
If I do it in LibreOffice Writer, it doesn’t bring in the images, just a placeholder. I have to delete each placeholder, then copy and paste every image manually (and then format them so they don’t have text wraparound, multiple clicks), which is a pain and far less efficient than Word. Something that takes 2 seconds in MS Word may take 15+ minutes in LO Writer.
The only solution I have found so far (which, admittedly, seems bizarre when I am trying to move away from Microsoft software): copy and paste into Word, then copy and paste from Word into LibreOffice Writer. Then it appears correctly. Takes only a few seconds longer than Word alone, so saves me about 15 mins a document, but it does mean I can’t uninstall MS Office.
Any progress about this? I mean, we are in 2022, and this LibreOffice software seems to lag behind MS Word 2000…
I don’t understand how requesters proceed. When I copy an HTML page with text and images (plural) and paste it into Writer in a single operation, all images are simultaneously pasted into the document. So, more details on the faulty procedure are needed.
Can you please tell me, how you proceed, when you paste text and images from a web page?
I have also this issue, since I use LibreOffice and this is the biggest issue in LibreOffice for me.
In the meantime I’ll try, saving the pages locally, as pdf or copying to another program, but not Word.
@iamwhatiam: I click in the HTML page (of course, not on any link), then I drag the mouse to select text in the resulting “rectangle”, Ctrl+C. I switch to Writer and Ctrl+V. This also pastes formatting when it can be translated. If I paste unformatted to avoid this, images are not sent to Writer.
@ [ajlittoz] Thank you for your quick response.
I’ve checked it now again.
It worked well, if the number of images is not to high.
When I copy & paste the whole website of
NEVER paste any image directly from a foreign source into your documents.
Always download the image first (if it is free,or you have the rights to use it) and OPTIMIZE it before you insert it to the document. Use a third party (free or commercial) software for this task, like the free (and very small and simple) software “irfanView”. Set the physical size, the resolution, the color depth to the optimal value and save it (based on the nature of the image) into JPG or PNG file format. Then you can use the Insert - Image function of the LO.
Both Apache and Libre office users complain about copied images from certain web pages not appearing when pasted in Odt documents (or Hmtl for that matter), though a screen shot or downloaded and copied image will.
Which as said, has to do with the coding used on the web page. In my experience, if you cannot get a “copy image link” option on images in a web page, then a copy/paste operation of such will not result in the image being visible.
Am easy solution for some items would be to use a free program such as Greenshot (among others) to take a rectangular (you draw it) screen shot of the images and text, and paste such. Such can also be configured to paste into a location of your choice, even MS word for the program mentioned.
I actually have an old XP era discontinued free Word pro I sometime use (in W/11) that autopastes into a RTF document whatever can be copied to the clipboard, which comes in handy for certain research. Some clipboard managers somewhat come close.