How do I copy and paste multiple records?

On a sub-form, I’d like to copy a selection of rows, cut them, select a different “bed” from the parent form and then paste them.
How can I do this?
In the example screenshots:
(1) I’m copying from plants in Bed named “”
(2&3) wanting to paste them into Bed named “Sooke Rd. 6411”. Which you can not see because the menu to paste is covering it.
(4) This shows table relations and the form navigator window in case that helps

Here is a dropbox link to the database:

If you use a table control (without any macros) and a autoincremented primary key:

  • Mark the rows you want to copy (Mark first row, shift and last row)
  • Press mouse button and draw to new row.

All rows will be inserted.

I can not drag them because I can only see plants from one bed at a time.
Here a a video to better illustrate my issue.

Seems like a sql APPEND query to me, nothing to do with a form.

is there a gui to do what you are suggesting?

No, you have to create all this by macros.