The help says to use Ctrl+the copy format button, but I cannot make this work. What am I missing? Thanks.
Help: “Copy Formatting with the Clone Formatting Tool”
The clone formatting tool is the paintbrush.
With the cursor in the source paragraph, click the paintbrush button. Move the cursor to the target paragraph, hold down the Ctrl key then click the mouse. The Ctrl key triggers copying the paragraph format not just the character format.
This does NOT work for me.
Libre Office Version: (x64).
I have a simple format (background color) on a single paragraph whose formatting I am trying to copy to another paragraph.
I have tried every combination of ctrl and shift when clicking on source and/or clicking on target – no copying of formatting.
Is there a known problem with copying paragraph formatting. What are the keystrokes (mouse clicks) for copying paragraph formatting?
Does your source paragraph have its own style? Perhaps the background color was applied by direct formatting or as a character style.
This works for me.
On a Mac, I thought I’d try using the Command key instead of Ctrl. This did work – just once! After that I made another change and tried to replicate it through a short document, but I was not able to get it to work again.