How do i correctly open a csv file in libre office calc and then save to readable format

Hi, Now the chat with copilot could only be saved as csv format, which is not all in sheet form, but in words. But copilot now allows only csv format to export. I have exported and tried to read it in libre office.I do not have excel and so, I opened the saved file, and in the text import wizard, i selected delimited, and comma as usual to get it saved in readable format.But what i found is a jumble of sentences repeated lines ,including the previous chats that is in store. If i could save it correctly ,i could edit the wanted conversation. Previously copilot, has allowed to save it as word and so there was no problem in reading the conversations as actual words were saved. Please say, how do ,i open a csv file in libre calc so that it is in readable format. which delimit or menus should be chosen in libre office calc step by step

Open the file with any text editor, with Notepad, Word, Writer, whatever, but not with a spreadsheet application.


The main problem with csv is not being precisely defined. Also there is (usually) nothing in the file, wich reliably gives charset, separator or quoting. So YOU have to find out, how the file is encoded (maybe ask Copilot - in this case it should know). As Villeroy wrote, start with a text-Editor aa first step.
Then use the information for import and export.
If you are willing to share a (smaller) file here, you may rename your csv to .ods and append the file here. I guess somebody will have a look on the format.
Without I/we can only guess: As usual language contains comma it is not a good separator in a csv-file and will require quoting of all sentences, wich contain comma itself.

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Hi, Wanderer, You have given valuable clue and I found a temporary solution. copilot csv file contains the topics and time stamps and so,it is like , your topic … time stamp in minutes seconds , nothing could be done on this csv file. Then , I went to the dash board, and found that there is an option to export all chat history,it only lists the topic of the conversation and time stamps. Then I went to deep analysis and found that you have to go to Home of your account. Here, there is a time clock down below, which allows you view history chat, By clicking that , it shows the topics, and clicking those , i could access the topics of the chats and you could select individual responses , select copy and paste to libre writer and then save as libre office document. You cannot copy total chat , you have to copy your query and also the answer for each response and then copy. This is the only way you could copy the contents of the chat. Thanks for giving the clue. Your clue guided me to go deep in to the issue and this is the only possible way,now the copilot allows you to have the discussion