To facilitate the movement of tables, I put them in frames. LO places a paragraph before & after the table. The former is easily deleted but the latter cannot. The best I can do is reduce the font size to 6. This destroys the symmetry of text alignment located in adjacent multiple columns.
Put the cursor at the end of the last cell (the lower right one) and just press Ctr-Shift-Del. Note that this shortcut works on any part of the document and will erase any paragraph immediately below the table, not only the empty ones, so use it with care!
To reintroduce the line: Alt-Enter.
EDIT: changed “Intro” (wrong language) by “Enter”
That’s Alt+Enter in English.
@RGB-es: Thanks for the reminder. I was badly surprised that Alt+Enter inserted a paragraph below the table (as I remebered) while Alt+Del deleted the current row of the table (and this only when it was exited afterwards. Alt+Backspace (I had never used, but tried now) turned out to be an equivalent to Ctrl+Z. Funny things happen.