How do I designate page numbering in Calc? Only first page is showing

I’ve tried the Format tab and there doesn’t seem to be a way to designate printing page numbers on succeeding pages of a spreadsheet. Where do I find the option to turn on continuous page numbers (when printed)?

I’m a real newbie using the LibreOffice Calc program. While it is very similar to Excel, there are some differences. So far, I have NOT been able to any tab, sub-tab, or any button or option to click that results in continuous page numbering for my spreadsheet. I need a step-by-step instruction on where to find this info. THANKS!

Look at Insert | Headers and Footers - you can find page numbering, among a number of things, for both header and footer.

If you only see page numbers on alternate pages, check Format | Page and make sure Same content on left and right pages is selected for the header/footer area where you have your page numbers.

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When all sheets are printed, is it possible to get a common page numbering through all sheets? I mean, like a book (usually) has a single page numbering through all chapters. I couldn’t figure it out.

Select all the sheets (Shift select), then do page numbering

Select two or more sheets (Ctrl or Shift + click the left mouse button on the sheet tab) before calling the print dialog.
There is no difference with Excel in this case. :slightly_smiling_face: