In MS Access you just use one .mdb file as the “backend” database and just store Tables in that one. Then you put all the rest (Forms, Reports, Queries) into a separate .mdb file and simply copy that file to all the workstations. Then you link the Tables in the Backend .mdb to each copy of the FrontEnd .mdb. And you’re done.
I’ve connected two workstations to a common PostGreSQL 9.1 database successfully. But I need to do more than just share the underlying data displayed in the forms. I need to make sure that the forms on the second workstation are indeed the same exact forms that the first workstation is also using.
It would make sense that the form data might be stored in the .odb file that is created when you first connect with PostGreSQL. However, this can be problematic because the login information might not match properly if you just copy that file over to the new workstation.
There really should be a more “User Friendly” way to distribute an app for a LAN at a small company. (Browser based interface might be nice…but just a Base app will work for now) In any case, documentation seems lacking concerning this issue.
Here’s another interesting thought - What if I want to store my “Forms” in the PostGreSQL database where the actual “data” resides? How hard would it be to make LibreOffice Base do that kind of thing?
Any help would be appreciated.
Arthur Baldwin