How do I enable use of system fonts?

Hi. I love LibreOffice, but I can’t seem to get the new fonts I added to show up in any of the apps. I am running on Manjaro under KDE. I have installed a lot of old Adobe Type 1 fonts that I have used off and on for years, but none of the fonts (added by the “System Settings > Fonts” font manager are showing up in LibreOffice. Is there some way to use them in LO? The image below shows the System Settings Fonts in the background (left side), while the right side shows the LO fonts that are available. (Yes, I have rebooted many times, and I have searched for solutions without success thus far.) Note that the system fonts (as they are installed) are showing up in most other applications (GIMP, Inkscape, Oxygen, Thunderbird, et cetera).

Support for Type 1 fonts has been removed in LibreOffice 5.3.

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