How do I enable Writer spell check

Ubuntu 14.04 Writer Build ID:420m0 (Build 2)

Language English (Australian) and dictionaries English UK, US & Australian set in options same as in Writer
Spell check as I type does not work. F7 spell check say “Spell check complete” and Spell check window shows no Text language. Appears no dictionaries are selected.

Any idea why?

First please check if Tools > Extension manager all your dictionaries visible. If not please inform.

Additional settings:
Tools > AutoSpellCheck => ON
Tools > Language > make the appropriate selection. English for “All Text” should be your default.

I observed the same problem a few versions back in my current version, all my dictionaries work as expected in Writer. I also did not see a problem in 4.2.6 sec-fix. My OS is XP

Could a downgrade or upgrade be a solution for you?

You also can wait a day or two to see if there is a better answer coming up.

Tools>Extension manager only shows Language Tool and New Zealand Dictionary &Thesuras.
“Check spelling as I type” is enabled in Tools>Options>Writing Aids>Options

Required dictionaries (English UK,US, Aust) are shown and enabled in Tools>Options>Writing Aides> User-defined dictionaries.
But are they really there or do they need Downloading or can I transfer these user dictionaries from my pre vious computer with LibreOffice If so where are they. No rush- I can always use old PC

Spell check problem solved via “system/Language support” and down loading reuired English dictionaries etc.

Dictionaries now show in /user/share/hunspell. But do not appear in Extension Manager.

Spell check works but there is no CHECK GRAMMER box. WHY?

CHECK GRAMMER box now available after enabling Language Tool in Extension Manager - all too simple when you know how!!