I have LibreOffice for Windows installed. The first time I pressed F1 it told me I needed to download the help files or view them online. So I downloaded the MSI and ran it. Oddly, even though I’m using a 64 bit CPU and OS (who isn’t these days) it installed them to C:\Program File (x86) which is for 32 bit programs. I let it, and when the install was done I press F1 again. Hey, it says the help files are not installed! So I uninstall it, and reinstall it in C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\Help. And I STILL get notices that the help files are not installed. So I uninstall and reinstall in C:\Program Files\LibreOffice. STILL I get notices that the help files are not installed. What the heck is going on and how do I fix this? What do I need to do in order to get LibreOffice to realize the help files ARE installed!
You are running a 64 bit version of LibreOffice so you need to download the 64 bit version of Help from the same page. The Language also needs to match so make sure you download English (US) unless you are using a different version of English or a different language.
That was it. I don’t know how I got the 32bit version, but I re-downloaded the file and this time it came up as the 64 bit version. Installed that, and it works. Although I was expecting a windows help dialog, not the web browser.
Although I was expecting a windows help dialog, not the web browser.
Watch the URL starting with file:///...
, which points to your local disk.
I know. What I meant was I was expecting the help files to be in .HLP format or whatever it is that windows uses now. I wasn’t expecting html.
…that windows uses now.
Sure - but LibreOffice is avaliable for Windows, Linux and macOS and to avoid redundant effort a common format has been chosen some time ago.
What the heck is going on and how do I fix this? What do I need to do in order to get LibreOffice to realize the help files ARE installed!
You should make sure that the help file has the same bit number (64=64 und 32=32 Bit) as the program.
It is also important that you look at the LibreOffice version, this must also be identical to the program.
Download LibreOffice - Feel free
I hope this can help.