I am running Libre Office on Windows 10 Home Edition. I had created a 642 page document with 51 photographs saved as an .odt file. The photos were all in the document until today when I exported 9 pages as a .pdf file. After this, I noticed that all but two of the photos had disappeared. The captions have remained in some cases but there is no trace of the pictures or their frames.
I am in hopes that someone can tell me how to recover the photos without having to re-create the entire photo section of the book.
I have a backup copy of this document that was saved the day before the disappearing-image incident. This copy has all the pictures in the correct places and is only missing my last day’s work on the index. I can re-do the work on the index BUT, I would appreciate knowing how to prevent a recurrence of the photos disappearing. Are there any settings I need to check? Should I save my work in a different format than .odt? Or in several different formats? I’m open to anything at this point if it will prevent a repeat of this near-disaster.
Thanks in advance for any help and also to those who have already replied to this topic. I appreciate your input.