How do I get the same measurement units (cm, pt, ch) across different installs?

When using auto indent, one computer is showing it in characters and one in inches. How do I standardize between computers so .5 inches is not changed to .5 characters. Both computers are using 4.3. One is using 4.3.2, the other is using 4.3.04.

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The option for set up the units:

Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice Writer/General/Settings.

Note that characters (ch) are usually only available as a unit when Asian language support is turned on e.g., Tools > Options… > Language settings > Default languages for documents section > check Asian. Also note that the displayed unit can be over-typed (overridden) on entry to use any unit (although the entered value will be converted to the originally displayed equivalent).

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@Oweng thanks for expand in such detail the answer .

@oweng Thanks for the answer. The problem was the computer my daughter used for Chinese class. Asian was checked.