I downloaded libre office, butI need help with installation.
these might help
- https://www.aboutchromebooks.com/news/how-to-install-libreoffice-for-linux-on-a-chromebook-after-downloading-it-as-a-tar-gz-file/
- https://chromeunboxed.com/chromebook-install-newest-libre-office-linux-crostini-how-to/
Hope that helps.
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LibreOffice is not tailored to run on ChromeOS. Whatever you do to get LO running on a Chromebook should be considered a hack and unsupported. That being said. It might just work.
Not having a Chromebook to examine. From the looks of it, modern ChromeOS supports some sort of Linux container/VM that provides a Linux environment to facilitate running Linux applications. It appears to be Debian based and makes use of the apt-get command for installing software from a repository. Link: Computerworld
The feature that allows you to run Linux applications under ChromeOS is called Crostini. You can read more about it here. From what I can gather only recent versions of ChromeOS support the feature.