I have started a database of addresses. I would like to include a dropdown box on the form used to enter/edit records that would list all of the current records based on the first and last name and select one and have it then display that record on the entry/edit form. It would supply the ID number to the query.
You can do this with a list box attached to a one record filter table.
The Base form contains two internal forms - MainForm and SelectionForm.
The selection form is attached to the filter table. The list box on that form is attached to the field “name_ID” of the filter table. The list comes from a concatenation of the first and last names in the Addresses Table and has the associated ID which will be stored in the filter table upon selection (see list box properties). This form also has a push button (Press to Refresh List Box) with the action property set to “Refresh form”. This will generate a new list after adding, deleting or changing an address record. If you press this button immediately after a list box selection and before displaying the record, a message box will appear asking if you want to save the record. Click OK button in response.
The MainForm is the Addresses table record information. It is based upon a query which selects the record containing the ID captured in the filter table. This form also has a push button (Press to Display Address) with the action property set to “Refresh form”. Press this button to display the list box selected item.
Sample ------ NameSelect.odb
Thanks for your help! I’ll give it a try when I get some time.