How do I lock a document

I am new to libreOffice. I am noit sure how to lock a document. Someone has been getting in my google docs, so i would like to move a few docs over.

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This can be done at OS level by modifying the read/write permissions.

If your document is shared, you can’t of course forbid reading the document otherwise it is pointless to share it. Making it group or world read-only prevents others from modifying it.

If your goal is to keep the document confidential, keep it on your local computer. In case you want to share it between several machines you own, put it on a local server.

The worst case is the ability to access the document from several locations (home, office, hotel, …). The document must then be on an internet/cloud server. You must then set a password for the file or encrypt it. Password can be set at first File>Save time, or later ar File>Save As time.

Whether your password-protect or encrypt your file, don’t lose your password or key. Encryption algorithm is so strong that it is impossible to recover the document.

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