How do I make LO remember my Java runtime configuration?

Using Windows 7 and LO I just created a Base database based on the embedded HSQLDB backend. When I switch to the Tables view, I get an error message saying that no JRE was found and I need to configure Java first.

So I do: via Tools > Options, in the Advanced settings, I see three JREs and the 32 bit Java 7 installation is selected:

I click OK and think all is right, but I still can’t switch to the tables view as I get the exact same error. Does LO not remember that I configured Java? How do I make it remember?

Related: Java is not recognized on Windows 7 x64 and What versions of Java are acceptable?. Closing as duplicate.

After reading some related questions and answers, I noticed this answer by JohnD saying that closing and restarting LibreOffice helps. It did in my case too.