I have Libre Office
The Spellchecker does not seem to work for Canadian English and perhaps for USA (not thoroughly checked out).
Under Tools\Options\Language settings\Languages:
\Language of\ :
User interface: [Default - English (USA)]
Locale setting: [English (Canada)]
Default currency: [Default - CAD]
\Default languages for documents\:
Western: [ABC English (Canada)]
“For current document only” IS NOT CHECKED.
Under Tools\Options\Language settings\Writing Aids:
Available language modules:
[-/] Hunspell checker
[all other boxes also checked]]
User-defined dictionaries:
[-/] Standard (English UK)
[-/] en-GB (English USA)
[-/] en-US (All)
[-/] technical (all)
[-/] IngnoreAlLlist (All)
[-/] Check spelling as you type
[all other boxes also checked except:]
[ ] Check words with numbers
[ ] Hyphenate without inquiry
Under Tools\Options\Language settings\English sentence checking:
No “Grammar checking” [boxes] are checked.
Two “Punctuation” boxes are checked.
[-/] Word spacing
[-/]Multiplication sign
No “Others” [boxes] are checked.
Under \Tools\Extension manager\
…at the topthere is “English spelling dictionary, hyphenation rules, thesaurus and grammar checker” [lock icon]
When I click on “Options” for this extension…
Under Language settings:
it only offers “English sentence checking”
It does not offer “Languages” or “Writing aids”.
Under \Tools\Spelling and grammar\
Text language: [None]
I am unable to choose a text language; nothing sticks or even shows when chosen from the list.
Under \Format\character\Language:
I can choose: [English (Canada)]
…and it shows in the status bar at the bottom of the editing page but it does not `stick’, that is, when I close the document and reopen Libre Office it is gone.
…it does nothing apparent, certainly not Libre-ate the SpellChecker!
An imported odt document did do automatic spell checking until I tried to enable this feature In a fresh Libre Office- created odt document.
Now no documents spellcheck when writing or when asked through \Tools\Spelling and grammar.
I don’t know if it can from OO or LO and if USA spellchecking was enabled in the program.
What might be wrong?