How to merge 2 separate csv files updated from email
What do you mean by “updated from email”? Should LibreOffice open the emails and do the work, or is it just files you receive as attachments but handle manually?
Received as separate attachments - Thanks
Obvious solution ! Upload CSV file, select, copy, and paste into file presently in Calc. mpkettle
What do you mean by “upload”? ‘Open in Calc’?
Correct - Open ! Thanks
see also my answer in your other question about combining csv-files in Calc.
Please add a link
Might ‘Insert Sheet’ > ‘From file’ > (BROWSE csv-file) ‘OK’> (set import specifics) ‘OK’
meet your needs?
(See also my answer to your other recent question. Now inserted here.)
Open both documents. (We will call them A & B.)
Open a new document.
Go to document A. “Select All” and “Copy”.
Go back to the new document. “Paste”
Go to document B.“Select All” and “Copy”.
Go back to the new document. “Paste”.
Viola: merged documents.
None of these provide a simple way to do the requested function. Even very old ms excel provides this functionality.
As long as you are doing extra work, it’s probably easiest to just do it with the shell.
For example, in windows you can say
copy *.csv allfiles.csv
or, in unix, you can use ‘cat’ similarly.
Then, import the combined file to calc.
Of course, that assumes that all the csv files have consistent formatting and columns.
I often had the same problem so i decided to write a little php site which does the job. You can find it at Any feedback is welcome!
What a great program…wonderful thanks!