How do I open this Macro from the My Macros library?

Hi guys, I have this macro in my Libreoffice Base Document:

Sub LimparCampos
if IsNull(ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.ActiveConnection) then
Dim oStatement As Object
oStatement = ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.ActiveConnection.createStatement()
oStatement.execute("UPDATE ""Filtro"" SET ""Sintomatologia 01"" = NULL   	")
End Sub

How do I open this Macro from the My Macros library (and not from the document’s own default library)?


The problem is not so much opening in My Macros (place is Standard library or other library then load) but rather that ThisDatabaseDocument is not available there.

See answer(s) in this post → ThisDatabaseDocument vs ThisComponent?

Okay, Ratslinger. I understand the difference between ThisDatabaseDocument and ThisComponent. However, when I replace with ThisComponent, the message appears: “ActiveConnection” property or method not found.
When I replace “ActiveConnection” with “isConnected” the same message appears.

Deleted last comment. Need to do something else first.


As noted:

…there is no database at the StarDesktop level.

ThisComponent cannot access database information there.

You can still create a connection with a registered DB or file location or as the comment states pass the object. Personally have not figured out a use for this as it is DB specific. Why not keep in Base?

I would like to protect the Macro that cleans up the data fields. I know that it is possible to create a library with a password for the macros. However, I would like to take control of my system and prevent it from being transferred to another computer with all the macros (without my permission).

I did note three methods.

  • Pass the database object (easiest)

  • using registered database name:

  • using file location. Same as above replacing registered name with file location such as (Linux file):


Moved code for readability:

oContext = CreateUnoService("")
oDB = oContext.getByName(sDBName)
oConn = oDB.getConnection("","") 
Stmt = oConn.createStatement()
Stmt.execute("UPDATE STATEMENT")

Also, ThisComponent as referred to in link was accessible based on question information but does not have access to needed database connection. At the wrong level.

sDBName = "file:///home/davi/Documentos/Demanda_Espontânea.odb"
oContext = CreateUnoService("")
oDB = oContext.getByName(sDBName)
oConn = oDB.getConnection("","")
Stmt = oConn.createStatement()
Stmt.execute("UPDATE ""Filtro"" SET ""Sintomatologia 01"" = NULL ")

I changed it but it didn’t work.

Code was tested before posting and worked. Took your posted code in comment, changed file name/location and minor change to SQL to use my table and no problem.

Don’t know how you are executing or any errors. All you state is that didn't work.


Have successfully run this from the IDE and from opening a form.

Okay Ratslinger, I’ll see try to find out where my error is and then update the forum…

Nothing? Not even where you are executing from? Are you using Standard library in MyMacros?


Literally Standard is the name of the library. It is automatically loaded at startup. Others require loading.

Edit 2:

And you have allowed macro execution from that location?

Using a Registered name will use basically the same code. Passing the object also works. Tested from form opening. Code in document (using Open Document event):

Sub sendObject
    if IsNull(ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.ActiveConnection) then
    Dim oStatement As Object
    oStatement = ThisDatabaseDocument.CurrentController.ActiveConnection.createStatement()
End Sub

And in MyMacros:

Sub LimparCampos2(Stmt) As Object
End Sub

All three tested and working.

Hi Ratslinger, when I open the document it works perfectly. However, when I execute the “LimparCampos2” sub of a push button inside the form, the message “property or method not found: execute” appears.

It worked Ratslinger. The problem was because I had saved the document with an accent (^) and that accent was changing the MACRO. Thank you so much Ratslinger!


	sDBName = "file:///home/davi/Documentos/Demanda_Espont%C3%A2nea.odb"
oContext = CreateUnoService("")
oDB = oContext.getByName(sDBName)
oConn = oDB.getConnection("","") 
Stmt = oConn.createStatement()
Stmt.execute("UPDATE ""3. Sintomatologia"" SET ""Tem"" = FALSE  	")