How do I refer to a sheet through CodeName, similar in microsoft office

In the Microsoft office the sheet can be referenced by index, by name or by codename.

And in libreoffice would it be possible to reference a sheet by its codename?

CodeName = ‘Sheet1’, something like a:


you use ‘single-quotes’ so we are in python!

doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
sheets = doc.Sheets
maybe_code_name = 'Tabelle1'
if maybe_code_name in sheets.ElementNames:
    sheet = sheets[maybe_code_name]
    if sheet.CodeName == maybe_code_name:
        print(f"found Sheet: '{maybe_code_name}'")
    for sheet in sheets:
        if sheet.CodeName == maybe_code_name:
            print(f"""sheet: "{sheet.Name}" has CodeName: '{maybe_code_name}' """)

Unfortunately LibreOffice doesn’t have a native solution for this.
But simplifying the @karolus solution, that’s what I need. Thanks

def main():
    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    sheets = doc.Sheets

    first_code_name = 'Sheet1'
    second_code_name = 'Sheet2'
    for sheet in sheets:
        if sheet.CodeName == first_code_name:
            my_first_sheet = sheet

        if sheet.CodeName == second_code_name:
            my_second_sheet = sheet

    my_first_sheet['A1'].String = 'Test CodeName'
    my_second_sheet['B5'].Value = 100


But I just realized that if I change the Libreoffice interface language, it will break the code. Because the CodeName changes according to the language

Not only that, any user can change this “default” at any time via: →→Tools→→Options→→LO-Calc→Defaults

After some sophisticated things I come back to simple “dictionary on the fly”

def test():            
    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    sheets = doc.Sheets
    get_by_code = dict((sheet.CodeName, sheet) for sheet in sheets)
    sheet = get_by_code['Tabelle1']


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CodeName is an Invisible Man property: it is not described in the documentation and even the omnipotent MRI does not see its value. :slightly_smiling_face:

However, this property can be changed to be independent of Options:


This approach can make sense if the user is allowed to rename the sheets and change their order.

False, I did not grep through the Docs but MRI know about:

Sub SetSheetCodeNamesAsYouLike()
'''	Run this procedure.

	Dim oSheet As Object
	Dim s$

	For Each oSheet In ThisComponent.Sheets
		s = InputBox("Enter a codename for the sheet """& oSheet.Name & """:" _
		 , "Changing sheet codenames", oSheet.CodeName)
		If Len(s) > 0 Then
			If oSheet.CodeName <> s Then oSheet.CodeName = s
		Else: Exit For
		End If
End Sub

Xray sees everything the same way.

Half-truth. :slightly_smiling_face:

  • The documentation. Search: Codename
  • About MRI. Yes, MRI sees this sheet property (I confused it with the document property of the same name). I apologize for this mistake.
doc = ThisComponent
sheet = doc.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
MsgBox sheet.CodeName

Unfortunately this code only displays the CodeName of the active sheet. Does not reference the sheet by CodeName.

With power Python

class Sheets():

    def __init__(self, doc):
        self._doc = doc

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        for sheet in self._doc.Sheets:
            if sheet.CodeName == index:
                return sheet

def main():

    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    sheets = Sheets(doc)
    sheet = sheets['CodeName']

    if not sheet is None:

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If we design Claases they should proper designed:

from import XSpreadsheets
from unohelper import Base

class Sheets( XSpreadsheets, Base):
    def __init__(self, sheets):
        self.sheets = sheets
        ## ↓↓↓ copy NameSpace from 'sheets' into class.Namespace
        ## !ugly … is there a better way ??
        for entry in dir(sheets):
            setattr(self, entry, getattr(sheets, entry))
    def getByCodeName(self, code_name):
        for sheet in self.sheets:
            if sheet.CodeName == code_name:
                return sheet
        raise NameError(f"Sheet with CodeName: {code_name} dont exist")
def test():            
    doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
    sheets = Sheets(doc.Sheets)
    sheet = sheets.getByCodeName('Tabelle1')
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Much Ado About Nothing

Function GetSheetByCodeName(sCodeName$, Optional Document) As Object
	If IsMissing(Document) Then Document = ThisComponent

	Dim oSheet As Object
	For Each oSheet In Document.Sheets
		If oSheet.CodeName = sCodeName Then
			GetSheetByCodeName = oSheet
			Exit For
		End If
End Function

oSheet = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName("Sheet 1")
oSheet = GetSheetByCodeName("Sheet1")