How do I remove rows that have duplicates in a single column

I recently migrated to Calc from Excel. I really miss the remove duplicates function. But I am willing to learn Calc ways.

Sample data:

image description

In the above data, I would like to modify the table such that I get only rows having no duplicates in column A (or B if I choose so). Is there a way to do that?
If I Select Table >> Menu/Data >> More Filters >> Advanced Filter… >> Read Filter Criteria From : A1:B10 / No Duplicates / Copy Results to : A23 / Keep Criteria Filter I get the same table pasted after A23.

Is there a detailed guide on how removing duplicates works in Calc.

… and which row to show? first appearance of a value (and its related adjacent cell) with duplicates?


Card4;Test3 - or


I kind of feel stupid to not think about this. However, yes, in this case; I needed to keep only first appearance of value with its adjacent cells.

… this is how Standfilter on column A only with

Field name: Column A
Value: Not Empty
Options 1: [ ] Range contains column labels
Options 2: [x] No duplications

works, if you don’t try to copy to some other ranges (manually copy afterwards).

@anon73440385: why didn’t you make the comment an answer? imho it’s better than extensions …

There are a couple of extension Remove duplicates