How do i remove thick black border around text in libreoffice writer

I cannot find the way to remove thick black borders around text
in writer. Does anyone know how to do this ?
ok here’s the link to the pic.

menu Format | Character | Borders

If this does not solve your question share a (short, anonymized) file. - Cheers

hello, thank you for responding. but no, there was nothing there
that removed the border.

how do i share the file?
Screenshot from 2023-11-09 12-58-49

ok here’s pic of the text . many lines are bordered like this on my page.

If you cannot upload (as a “newbie”) - use a file uploader or share your document on google cloud or something else and post the link.
Your pic cannot explain the problem satisfactorily.

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Please name your operating system and LibreOffice version. Furthermore, in which file format you save.

If there are repetitions with borders within paragraphs, it can be assumed that a specific character format template was used in these places. The worse case would be direct formatting.

A sample file, as requested by @Grantler , would be very helpful.

oops. ok i found the reply button. and the link to the pic on mydrive.

Or a character style.

EDIT: You must not set this way, but click o the leftmost presets button.
Clear Direct Formatting (menu Edit) could help here. But if it is some sort of… who could know.
So here comes the third request for a sample file to test with.

leroy , THAT is how i have it set and it does not change anything

there’s no “reply” button here so here’s the link to the pic on mydrive.