I have a Canon IX5000 printer which has various saved profiles, and I would like to save the appropriate one with a particular document so the printer doesn’t default to incorrect settings for that document
It would be useful to have a little more information so that we can understand your problem. Where do you save the printer profiles, and what options are you saving? What operating system are you using and what languages are the system set to as well as your User Interface and Locale, as these influence the LibO defaults? I am also assuming that the Writer documents are in the standard .odt format.
LibreOffice stores printing information in several places. My example is Linux based, but Windows is similar. This information may not be the same with Apple MacOS.
You should make certain with FILE > PRINTER SETTING matches your physical printer and default paper sizes. Thereafter the document settings are managed in two places.
- Each profile requires a template, For example, my templates include: A4 single side letter, A4 draft book of poetry (English – GB), A5 final copy (English- GB), A4 report – duplex (French - Swiss) .
- Each template includes a set of styles, page, paragraph depending on the complexity of the document, and control page numbering, headings, footings, headings, toc etc. the exact styles depend on the complexity and needs of each document.
If you are unfamiliar with templates and styles, I suggest you read up about as they are necessary to master the function of LibreOffice. Otherwise it is just a clever typewriter.
Hope this helps
There is an option:
Menu/Tools/Options/LibreOffice/Load-Save/General - Load - Load Printer settings with the document.
Load/Save Options - General.
Hope it helps.