I am using LibreOffice 3 on Linux Mint 13. (I am unable to upgrade to a later version of either Mint or LO, but I know that this is fixable because I have another system that also runs LO 3 on Mint 13 and it does not have this issue!)
When I right-click on a picture in Writer and choose Save Graphics, I am presented with a dialog box which defaults to /home/MYUSERNAME/.config/libreoffice/3/user/gallery/, no matter what I’ve saved the picture to the last time. Is there a way I can set a default location for it to always save to? That gallery folder is buried deep in the file system and is a very illogical place to save a picture to, and it’s annoying to have to constantly redirect it when it should automatically default to my standard save location each time (or at least the last used location).