How do I set up a dictionary to get Spell Check to work?

Whenever I click Spell Check, it tells me “No dictionary available”. How do I get Spell Check to work??

I am using Windows 10 and Libre Office version Version: (x64). I figured out how to use Tools:Language:set for Selection, Paragraph and All Text. But the next document all of those settings are gone. Is there a way to set the language so Spell Check and the program KEEPS using that language until change it?

Edit your question to mention your OS and LO version. What is your default language? Do you spell-check in this default language or some other (needing different dictionary)?

I am using Windows 10 and Libre Office version Version: (x64). I figured out how to use Tools:Language:set for Selection, Paragraph and All Text. But the next document all of those settings are gone. Is there a way to set the language so Spell Check and the program KEEPS using that language until change it?

Do not answer a question unless it is a real answer.

In Windows, simply switch to the right input language.

To configure permanently your language settings, go to Tools>Options, Language Settings>Languages. If you don’t check For the current document only, your preference will be stored in your user profile and made available for all your future documents.

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In case you need clarification, edit your question (not an answer) or comment the relevant answer.

PS: your answer looks like a semi-answer (your mention of Tools>Language>For xxx>) in that it affects only the current document. I’m wondering it it wouldn’t be better placed in a comment under your question. If you agree, you have an More link/menu with a “Repost as comment” command (from memory, because only the owner of the answer can see it).