How do I sort this forum by date of original post?

I see how I can sort by Activity–there’s a column for that. And I can click the ‘Latest’ button.

But the topic list does not list the date of the OP.

I would like to see, eg, of the latest 10, 100 most recent new topics, how many have replies? I do not see at the moment a way of viewing that information.

The ‘New’ keeps getting reset when I return visit.

‘Unsolved’ will tell me how many are not solved, not how many have replies, and are getting interest and traction, nor display the relative counts of ‘Solved’ and ‘Unsolved.’

Pls help :slight_smile:

I can’t find a way to list the topics by original post date.
But you can list the topics without comments/answers posted after some date:

Then you can sort by latest post:
To list topics with comments, just choose 2 for minimum posts (but the sorting will be by last comment/answer).