How do I start LibreOffice

I just installed LibreOffice on Fedora 31. That seemed to go okay, but now I don’t know how to start the program. If I just enter

, something starts but I’ve never seen it before and none of the options it offers lead anywhere. How can I start the program?

Please open a terminal and execute libreoffice6.4 and provide any error messages you may get. Please also note from where you get your LibreOffice package, how you installed it and which rpm packages you installed. May be attaching output file from rpm -qa | egrep "libreoffice|libobasis" | sort | tee -a /tmp/LibOPackagesInstalled.txt may be helpful as well.

Just installed packages from TDF on Fedora 31 and found the applications on the usual `Activity` workplace.

Try resetting your user profile (if there was a previous version installed).

LibreOffice starts fine in Gnome on my systems, both Fedora 30 and Fedora 31.

What I did before installing the RPM from the LibreOffice website is to uninstall the default version using dnf:

This is what I did

dnf remove libreoffice*

Then I installed the RPMS from the Downloaded file (do this from the command line, go into the RPMS subdirectory:

dnf install *.rpm

After that, LibreOffice will show up in your application menu (if you have that) or your activities.