How do you add a desktop icon for LibraOffice Vanilla on windows 10s?

I bought the app from the Microsoft store but I am not sure you can add a desktop icon? Thanks

Edit: actually, it’s more complicated as noticed by @mikekaganski below, see: Where are Windows store apps installed.

See also: 191068/libreoffice-in-microsoft-store/.

You should be able to Ctrl+Shift+Drag the entry soffice.exe (in the libreoffice folder above) to your desktop to create a link (make sure not to copy the file, you’ve to create a shortcut).

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Apps from MS Store do not install directly into Program Files. They install into a subdirectory under Program Files\WindowsApps, and it’s not easy to find them, since the directory is protected.

If you want to open the location of the executable, then start the program, open Task Manager, find the executable there in the list of running processes, expand to see subprocess, right-click on any subprocess, and choose Open file location.

Thanks! I’ve edited my reply.

Note: I’ve no problem with your comment be an answer (it was better than mine) and mine be removed.

Thanks, I did try following first answers instructions and I was unable to find file. Will try second answer.

Does the icon appear in the start menu? You might be able to right click on the icon in the start menu and select Pin to taskbar. You should then be able to drag the icon from the taskbar to the desktop. Cheers, Al