how do you create one column heading with two columns below

I created a spreadsheet with two columns below a main heading. It was simple to do, but now I can’t figure out how I did it. I have gone back to the documentation, but cannot find the pertinent answer. I hope someone will help.LunchOrders.ods

but now I can’t figure out how I did it

What is what you can’t figure out any more? Is it the merging of cells in the main header line (Select two or more cells in a row and Right click -> Merge Cells)?

I should have been more specific. The heading LUNCH CHOICE has two columns below it. I don’t want to merge the data. I know it was simple to do when I did it. I was able to create the heading LUNCH CHOICE over the two columns, the same where there are BEVERAGE CHOICES. I appreciate the quick response.

I see what you have but your explanation doesn’t make more clear to me what you can’t figure out. You state “…don’t want to merge the data.but contradictory to that you state “I was able to create the heading LUNCH CHOICE over the two columns,…”, which is merging cells (and which was addressed by my 1st comment).

Please cancel this question. I finally figured out what I did to create the heading column. Thanks for your help. Your original answer was correct, I misunderstood the merge cells.